“I don’t want people to have to suffer with their desires because you can be who you want to be, and it can be marvelous…”
~Karen Yates
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While recording this episode, I wrote down the following equation:
Communication + boundaries = freedom to explore and play
So, yeah…we’re talking about sex as self-care with Karen Yates, somatic sex educator as well as creator and host of Wild & Sublime, the live show and podcast that delivers a sexy spin on infotainment.
Sex however is too narrow a term – at least by current, uniquely American standards. Erotic mindfulness is more expansive and inviting, focusing on openness and sensual pleasure rather than just the act.
Continued below…
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Article Continued
“Your body is the thing that connects you to existence. Period.“
~Karen Yates
If you’re like me – a full-grown, cis-gendered, sexually active adult – even PG-rated discussions about sex (like this one) still make your cheeks flame. If you’re not like me…bravo! Karen, who’s a longtime member of Chicago’s sex-positive scene, has a knack for making frank discussions welcoming no matter where her audience falls on the sexual spectrum. “We talk about kink. We talk about vanilla sex. We talk about LGBTQ issues. We talk about just how to relate to each other.”
Did you catch that? Relating to each other and to self is Wild & Sublime’s main thrust. Pardon the pun but when you hang around with Karen, you can’t help it. Both the live series (which she hopes to restart later this summer) and the podcast showcase her unique combination of professional knowledge, personal experience, and theatrical background. Panel guests and storytellers lend their expertise to deliver a joyful, shame-free exploration of just about every sex-related topic you can think of but about which you might be afraid to ask. Or not.
And if COVID has left you blissfully or woefully partner-free? Erotic mindfullness should be at the top of your self-care practice. “It’s always good to build a new relationship with your body because the body gives so much information,” Karen says. “Bottom line, no matter where you come from, it’s going to be an expansive, extraordinary exploration.”
Connect with Karen
Karen’s Biofield Tuning – Sound Therapy
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Mentioned in this episode
Wild & Sublime: S1E02 | Getting Laid During COVID: Long-Term Relationships
Wild & Sublime: S2E12 | COVID and Dating: FEB 2010 Update
CI126 | Wake up from your deep sleep with Lisa Lackey, Insideout Conversations
Special Music during our stretch break: Glass bass by Frankum & Frankumjay on Freesound.org. Licensed under the Creative Commons.
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