064: Stay in the room, Stacey Herrera, Sex, Money, Creativity, The Sensuality Project

064: Stay in the room, Stacey Herrera, Sex, Money, Creativity, The Sensuality Project

“Self-consciousness is the assassin of authenticity.” ~Stacey Herrera

Stacey Herrera is the producer and host of the podcast The Sensuality Project. I love it, it makes me blush and it makes me think about topics we often don’t get to talk about in a constructive way. And I don’t mean just sex — but what the experience of being in this physical, sensual body is like; relationships; permission, consent and boundaries; social norms and prejudices; and so much more.

Stacey is facilitating a premium community JUST FOR these kinds of conversations amongst “sister friends”: The Sense & Sexability Society

 {This episode includes explicit language. Listener discretion advised.}

In this episode, we talk about:

  • The difference between sensuality and sexuality
  • Why it’s so important for us to normalize and talk about sex
  • The connection between sex, money and creativity
  • Our chakras (energy!) and our sexuality
  • Impostor syndrome manifesting as self-consciousness
  • Advice from Stacey!

“If you’re worried about what the other person is thinking, intimacy cannot happen… you have to be willing to be vulnerable.” ~Stacey Herrera

Connect with Stacey

The Sensuality Project Podcast
The Sense & Sexability Society


“If I can’t receive in the physical realm, can I receive form the universe? Uh… no.” ~Stacey Herrera

Connect with Andrea


Podcast Envy: Podcast Launch, Craft & Coaching Services
Chicago Women’s Creative Collective

Links and Resources

The Creative Impostor Magic page! Get a special gift from Andrea here.

Power Your Story — Created by my high school student podcast mentees!!!

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Andrea’s Patreon Page — where you can support the show, get cool gifts from me and can become an active participant in the creative community!

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About Stacey

Stacey Herrera, The Sensuality Project

I’m Stacey, a native Angelino, who loves to talk.! And sex happens to be one of my favorite subjects. I am seeker and my default setting is optimistic.

I believe that deliciousness is about life, not taste.
I am not a size 2 and I don’t wear stilettos.
I believe that beauty is not a look, but a feeling.
I believe that sexy is not an article of clothing, but the embodiment of vivacity. And that sexy is also a subjective term that applies to everyone.
I also believe that every woman deserves a lover who makes her wet. That the work she does should make her nipples hard. And that she should be aroused by some aspect of her life on a daily basis.

But I know what it feels like to have a full plate. When there are not enough hours in a day to accommodate all the things that need to be done. There was a time when self-care was a conversation and not something I routinely practiced. Family, friends, work… people relied on me. And I got tired. Tired of trying to keep all the balls in the air. Tired of being spread so thin. Tired of being everything to everybody. Tired of being tired.

I was working  job that sucked the life out of me on a daily basis. I could not build my own business because I was too busy wearing a cape. I became resentful. Then I got sick. I stressed myself to the point of developing an illness that caused blindness in my left eye. 

I had to lose my sight in order to regain my vision.

But you don’t have to…

You CAN make different choices now. You CAN have it all without losing your sh*t. You CAN live a turned-on life without giving up the things and the people you love.

And I can help you do that… www.StaceyHerrera.com

This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine.
The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong.

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