035: Impostor vs Intuition

035: Impostor vs Intuition

“The impostor voice wants to protect you by keeping you small and safe. The intuitive voice wants to help you by elevating your platform to rise to the occasion. It may be risky. But it’s probably worth it.” ~Andrea Klunder

So when you have both the voice of your creative impostor AND the voice of your deepest intuition clamoring for attention in your brain, how on earth do you know who is saying what and who to listen to?

Well, you need mad tools, skills and support!

Create Your Own Podcast

Podcast Envy is for you if you are dreaming of having your own show and would like a guide, coach, cheerleader and, yes, even intuitive tech support on your side. Yes, we’ll talk about microphones and software, yes we’ll learn about how to make money with podcasts, but ultimately this program is for you because you want to connect, to reach out into that mysterious void and find actual humans who are ready to hear your message and engage with all the gifts that you have to offer.

Learn more about Podcast Envy and get my complimentary audio download & worksheet 5 Ways to Expand Your Reach with Podcasting.

Join Isabelle Rizo’s Singularity Circle

The Singularity Circle is a paid group mastermind for creative visionaries to support us in stepping into leadership and greater visibility in our communities and industries. It’s about clarifying your story, aligning your work around your values and vision for your life, and creating strategic partnerships and alliances. This work has been so valuable for me and right now, Isabelle has a few new spaces in the Circle available until mid-May, 2017 (or until they are filled.)

As a bonus for my community, when you join, you will get her Reinvent Your Money Story course for FREE ($195 value) plus a free 20min consultation with me about how to get the most out of your mastermind Circle experience. 

When you apply, be sure to tell her you heard about it from me, and your membership will help support The Creative Impostor!!! 

Check out the Singularity Circle here!

Get Charlotte Elea’s Daily Tarot Package

Charlotte’s approach to using tarot and oracle cards as well as meditation and dreamwork to communicate with and TRUST your intuition has been instrumental in helping me stay focused and confident on this creative path (which often makes me feel like an impostor!) 

For a limited time, Charlotte is offering our community an exclusive package and opportunity to connect with her. 

Get exclusive access to Charlotte’s generous offer here! 

Resources, Links & more!

This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine.
The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong.

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Interested in Private Meditation or Podcast Coaching? Schedule a “tea break” with me and we’ll connect for 20min to create a vision & strategy.



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