CI091: Nourish your gut, feel more like yourself with Brooke Seiz

CI091: Nourish your gut, feel more like yourself with Brooke Seiz

So, that work all the time productivity approach, it is very much embedded in our culture and our society. But it’s not really how our nervous system is going to operate and be healthy. So, what can we do about that?”

~Brooke Seiz, functional nutrition practitioner

OK. I’m asking you to take a leap of faith with me in this episode. Don’t worry, it’s more an easy skip rather than a broad jump over shark-infested waters. 

Creative imposter syndrome begins in the gut.

Wut? The gut??


I’ve got back-up on this one. Brooke Seiz, a board-certified functional nutrition practitioner, believes that an unhealthy gut not only affects our physical health but also taxes our mental well-being.

Symptoms of a gut imbalance manifest in complex ailments – think leaky gut, chronic fatigue, adrenal dysfunction, IBS. Even low-grade instances of these diseases have the power to curtail our natural affinity toward play and exploration, self-expression and (managed) risk. The result is a diminished ability to work and create to our fullest potential and truest nature, the happy, healthy opposite of an imposter. 

Whew. That’s a lot to digest (I couldn’t resist!)

Like, what even IS functional nutrition?

Continued below…

Get a free pass to Podfest

March 6-8, 2020. Orlando, FL

I’ll be there with lots and lots of very kind very fun very pod-loving’ people who not only welcoming but passionate and knowledgable about the BOTH the craft and culture of podcasting. 

Sunday morning, I’ll be offering an interactive session called Let Your Voice Shine! — practice fining more freedom and flexibility with your MOST VALUABLE podcasting asset.

To enter the giveaway for the complimentary pass, please make a short audio recording (1-3 min-ish – you can even just make a voice memo on your phone) including:

  1. your name
  2. the name of your show if you have one (and if you haven’t launched yet, what you are thinking your show might be about)
  3. one surprising or delightful benefit, win or ROI you have experienced from podcasting (if you haven’t launched yet, one you are hoping for or betting on)
  4. one challenge, opportunity for growth or next big step you are facing with your podcasting journey

Email your recording to me: andrea [at] 

Subject line: Podfest Pass

Deadline: whenever pass is claimed or the fest is sold out

Create your own podcast!

I’m going to be offering my Podcast Envy: Launch Your Own class ONLINE for the first time ever for my Craft & Culture behind-the-scenes followers.

SUNDAY FEB 23, 2020

Get your invitation PLUS access to my premium private podcast feed available exclusively via Patreon for $5 per month starting in 2020.

That’s at Join at the $5/month level OR upgrade to VIP at $49/month to get even more access to my brain on a monthly office hours video chat.

Article Continued

“I’d go into auditions… and I would find it hard to breathe and it felt like
kind of this rapid heartbeat, and I just felt like, Oh my gosh, I feel like I can’t breathe, and it definitely affected my performance. I had a bacterial infection in my gut that was producing more histamine. And histamine can make people kind of feel anxious. And so when I addressed that within like 30 days, of course, I still got nervous at an audition sometimes, but I didn’t feel like my body was running away from me.”

~Brooke Seiz

Full disclosure: Brooke offered her services to the show after hearing me discuss my recent health journey. The mind-body connection is incredibly important to me; how understanding the gut-brain interaction can improve the function of both. By sharing a full spectrum of options for coping with imposter syndrome, my hope is that listeners will find the techniques that resonate with them. 

Brooke’s expertise and background in the arts come in handy when we’re defining functional nutrition and discussing big concepts like the parasympathetic nervous system or the microbiome. She breaks down these and other terms as a composer might with a new concerto; each measure (or lab test) building on the last to form the whole. The result is a bridge between the conventionally established approach of chasing symptoms and a more therapeutic investigation of root causes. Once identified, informed food choices and lifestyle adjustments are suggested.

But Brooke isn’t advocating for nutritional change only. Play is a natural component of healing, that child-like desire to engage in an activity with no structured outcome other than to have fun. 

When was the last time you played at something?

There’s a lot to learn from Brooke’s personal story of thwarted play, crippling stomach issues, and the realization that her authentic self was physically and emotionally impacted by her gut health. I’ve also begun unravelling my own issues around gut health and you’ll hear some of my findings in this episode as well. 

The biggest take-away from our discussion is this: there really is something to our gut feelings and butterflies in the stomach and queasy tummies. When and how we choose to listen to these warnings could mean the difference between the impostor and our happy, healthy authentic selves. 

P.S. If you’re curious about your own gut health OR even why you might be feeling so super sluggishgo to Brooke’s website right now for free articles that will get the wheels turning on everything from gluten, to hormones, to sleep.

You’re invited to celebrate 100 episodes with me!

Here’s how…

  1. Go to
  2. Pick one of the episode titles listed there that resonates with you — it could be because you listened to that episode and it pinged something for you — or maybe you didn’t even listen to the episode, it’s just the phrase that holds some meaning.
  3. Write (200-300 words) or record audio (2-3min) -ish of a short story about how that phrase, idea, episode either influenced you or has shown up for you in your creative life or work.  You don’t need to do any editing. Even just a voice memo on your phone will be great.
  4. Email it to me by March 1st, 2020.

I know, I know, if you are not already a podcaster, recording your voice for public consumption may feel terrifying. Let me assure you that since you are a part of The Creative Impostor community, your story is going to be relevant to other listeners in this community.  If you share genuinely and authentically you will get nothing but love and knowing head nods back.

Also sharing your insights, wins, fears, major failures, resilience, discoveries can be SO liberating and affirming. (truthfully, this is one of the main reasons I podcast.)

And if you really want to contribute but you still feel too uncomfortable, you can always ask me to read or play your story anonymously.

Of course if you want to shout your website, blog, etsy shop, podcast etc from the rooftops, include where we can find you so I can shout it from the rooftops!

Get in touch with Brooke

Wired And Tired Women

Vibrant Reset Program



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Email or Voice
Facebook Group The Creative Impostor
Facebook Page @andreaklunder.creative
Instagram: @andreaklunder
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Creative Impostor listener.)

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