One of the magical things about podcasting is that sometimes you get to have a great conversation with someone who may have different opinions than you AND simultaneously find out ...
Are you asking the right questions in your podcast interviews? I’ll tell you what they are as well as a few other tips on how to get the most out ...
Imagine you were a brand new podcaster and you immediately started getting trolled on your Facebook page… and in a VERY nasty way. What would you do? Well hopefully, you’d ...
What if you were happily podcasting along since pre-iPhone era, and suddenly got the call that you were being inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame at Podcast ...
IMPOSTOR SYNDROME part 2!!! Setting prices for your services, valuing your work, speaking at conferences and being a woman in a “man’s” industry… Today I’m talking with Jennifer Longworth, producer ...
Are you having trouble falling asleep? I’d like to introduce you to, Harris, Host of the Sleep Whispers podcast, whispered ramblings and readings to help you sleep. You know… ASMR stuff! ...
IMPOSTOR SYNDROME!!! You know that feeling in the pit of your abdomen where you feel it’s only a matter a time before everyone figures out you’re a fraud — you’re ...
This week it’s ALL about solo episodes. There’s more to podcasting than just interviews and solo shows are the surest way to build “know, like & trust” with your listeners… ...