“People are very reticent to pitch themselves… Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back from putting yourself out there when you know you can be helpful — when ...
“I realized that when you do something with your hands or you are creative, you create something, you feel more satisfied, you feel more fulfilled.” ~Ana Paz, visual artist, teacher, ...
“The one thing that I have been seeing is ‘I haven’t saved up’ and the guilt around that. ‘I don’t have any emergency savings’ and ‘I haven’t built it up’ ...
“Go, explore one of the episodes and really go into that story and just, you know, come out of it feeling like you just made a new friend. Even though ...
“And, of course, we know that futurizing is literally a recipe for anxiety. So, whenever we start wondering what we’re going to do, and we’re facing so many unknown variables, ...
“It is not the time to NOT send out that newsletter. It’s not the time to take a break on Facebook Lives. This is the time to jump on and ...
“The message I would just want to keep putting out there is that whatever you’re doing, especially if you’re in the gig economy, in service or in creative fields, in ...
“The clients I have…they are more willing to be vulnerable because a situation like this that affects literally everyone everywhere… I feel like it’s easier for some of my clients ...
“It’s okay to modify things. It doesn’t need to always be business as usual. In fact, I would recommend to people, if you’re really worried about how to show up, ...
“If you think you need to move to a city to access the creative buzz, I think you’re looking at the situation through the wrong lens… Geographically there’s a revolution ...