“Think of it as symbolic of many things about our central identity, let’s say, and not really even symbolic but literally, how do we express ourselves day-to-day about who ...
“So, that work all the time productivity approach, it is very much embedded in our culture and our society. But it’s not really how our nervous system is going to ...
“Don’t podcast for results. Podcast because you’re making something you believe in and make it about that. Make it about the art of what you’re doing. Make it about something ...
“People think that podcasts are like super busy and too famous to care what you have to say. It’s not true. We really want to hear from our audience and ...
“I learned that it’s not about me, and the minute I make it about me, I sabotage myself. The minute I remember that it’ s not about me, I go ...
And during the whole experience, I thought I SHOULD make an audio journal, document what I was going through, but the few times I tried to record, I either sobbed ...
Chronic loneliness is a worldwide epidemic. That’s the primary message that I’m trying to deliver in the talk. ~Monica Rivera, on “The Flipside of Loneliness” Do not be fooled by ...
I think a lot of entrepreneurs, we get stuck in this place of ‘my business is me’ and when your business is you, oh my gosh! It comes with all ...
Take a deep breath (it’s going to be okay), and go for it because the other option is to not do it and going back to that physical sensation that ...
So, all these things I learned from acting: rehearsing, relentlessly planning, thinking of your audience, inhabiting the character, bringing energy to the room… Those are all critical. ~Rob Biesenbach Quick! ...